Ana Couto


Here are some projects carried out in partnership with Ana Couto Branding, a
Rio-based agency responsible for the branding of major brands, where I was able to contribute creatively. I was responsible for the art direction of the following pieces, working together with Ana Couto's creative team.


PPT Presentation


PPT Presentation

Guide Investments

Assets for OOH and social media, to be promoted online and as part of a campaign in Brazilian airports.

I was responsible for the motion of the campaign, conducted in partnership with Ana Couto Branding


Food Solutions

Motion for internal TV circulation, showcasing the company's values to promote its principles and embed its culture within the employees.
Thats a short edition, the hole video have 1:30 min.

FOLHA DE SP Journal Advertisement

Assets produced for BRF's sustainability campaign, a Brazilian food producer and one of the largest in the world. I created the layouts for full-page advertisements to be published in Folha de São Paulo.

Hi there! I'm Jota Sebah, a multidisciplinary creative passionate about visually storytelling and elevating brands through innovative design.

If you're seeking the expertise to develop art direction, motion design, and creative direction projects, I'm ready to collaborate with you and create something amazing!

for your


+55 11 989 304 762